Thursday, May 25, 2017
Dizzy In Love
Dizzy In Love is a book or more so poems about love but they all have different meanings of love, it talks about what they think love is, and what experiences they made. How they interpret it is different from the rest of the poems in the book. I like this book because it gives you different peoples perspectives and story's of how they see things in their lives. I really encourage other people to read this book because you see other people story of it too, and it short aswell it's a good end of the year book that anyone can read and be done with it quick. What do you think about love?
Six Flags
Last Friday I went to Six Flags Great America, although it was ring and muggy we all had a good time, a funny story I left to go to the restroom with three of the people in my group and when I came back they all left us! We were astonished that they just left without any warning, we went on the Batman Ride after we tried looking for them without any luck but we had so much fun, afterwards we decided to eat so we ate chicken tenders and fries, I had t contemplate whether or not I was actually going to buy this for $14.00. After we finally found our group I went on the raging bull for the first time with three of my friends! The ride at first was going slow when we were headed to the top and I was terrified, I wanted to close my eyes but I just couldn't. When we're at the top I was screaming my lungs off I couldn't believe I was at the top. Then it just went down hill from there, when we were going down I was scared and I felt like dying, but after that I was fine, just like that too. I felt like I could go again after I dropped, and after I was scared for my life I enjoyed it. Have you ever been to six flags? And if you have what was your favorite part?
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
My life in softball
Even though I've only played softball for two years it's something I really enjoy and hope I can be apart of it in High school, my games are everyday and it's crazy how much you can fit so much games in a little amount of time, I'm number 14 of my softball team and I'm happy to say we've won the first two games we played in, yesterday on a Monday night was our second game and we won 13-14 even though it was really late and didn't end until 10:00 pm it was still worth it to get something that I've worked hard for. Our coach is very meticulous on how we pitch, throw the ball, and catch. This is my last year on playing for a team in Berwyn unfortunately because the people who are on my team are super nice and don't pick fights or is rude to one another we love to have fun and do our best. But for some reason I still don't understand some of the rules, do you?
Monday, May 8, 2017
Texas and more
This year for a family trip I'll be visiting south Texas a really hot part of Texas close by the border of Mexico, there will be kind of like a family reunion I don't remember most of my family that lives there but I can't wait to see them again. My mom had to interpret to me how we would get to Texas and if we would drive or fly. We will be going to sea world and we will possibly swim with dolphins I'm very excited to say that we will be doing these things cause most people dont. As well as going to six flags and visiting Mexico on the way there. Texas has been one of the places I've been to so many times in my life I could almost call it my second home. Another funny thing is I was going to move Texas in 2010 but decided we should just stay here. It'll be fun to finally visit the place where I haven't been in awhile. What do you think about Texas? Is it somewhere you're excited to talk about?
Sunday, May 7, 2017
I had recently been recommended the book flipped but I had decided to watch the movie first, and it was a beautiful movie, a boy and a girl meet you would think that there would be an interaction at first with them but when young and at seven, girls and boys are different and they still probably believe in cooties. But the movie goes on to show the girls and boys POV and what's someone's action can cause good and bad, the movie made me feel more than just a few emotions all in all I think anyone who sees this movie will enjoy it.
End of the year
The end of the eight grade is almost finished and I couldn't be more excited, the whole year was phenomenal and filled with more memory's and upcoming parties we plan for. End of the year is the best because it's where we get to look back and see how much we've progressed and grown out of seventh grade and finally be able to move on and go to highschool. But eighth grade gauges us more opportunities like dinner dance, six flags and more now that we've grown, and I've learned so much out of the whole year and I'm happy to say that I'll be graduating from Heritage and I'm lucky to be here and I could go on and on but for now this all I'm going to say. What are you doing for the end of your year?
Run To Remember
Run to Remember is basically a marathon run which support fallen officers and so I had went with my family on a cold saturday morning and I even had to wake super early, around 5:00 am. It was really fun, most people find running not the best thing but it was worth it and I had enjoyed the time I was there as well. There were games people played and they had sold things there as well and over 5,000 people had shown up which was a big amount of people and it was all right at soldier field where the Chicago Bears play. But my mom had referred me to come so that is how this all came together and I'm grateful she did because my family had shown up as well which was fun. Have you ever done anything like run?
The fault in our stars
The Fault in our stars is about Hazel Grace Lancaster who has cancer, she like a few other cancer patients goes to a support group she isn't comfortable with the fact that her mom thinks that she needs to be surrounded by other people with the same disease but she goes anyways to make her mom happy, like most kids would do for their parents, I mean, wouldn't you? After she goes to a couple of the support groups she bumps into the one and only Augustus Waters who is full of joy and wouldn't let his metal leg stop him from doing anything from the range of playing basketball to going to Amsterdam. They both go through rough patches and cute memories, but through all of it, it is way different then other books I've read. This amazing book won't sugar coat the problems that they go through like many other books will to keep you interested, this book doesn't have to do all of that. It talks about how much the effects of living with a disease will affect you and those around you. In other words it's excplicit in a good way and I think that if you take the time to read this you won't regret it.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Telenovelas and more thoughts
Telenovelas are over-dramatic tv shows that keep us distracted from the real word and gives us emotions to characters who we feel close to or automatically have a distaste for them, telenovelas are bomb because there are only one season and a million episodes, you don't have to wait several months for another season to come out! One of my all time favorite telenovelas are Maria del Barrio and how it's about a poor girl who has no family but gets a second chance and lives with a family who is rich, but even though the family seems picture perfect they're disfuctional in their own way. Maria who has an explicit voice doesn't take anything for anyone, and that just causes more disruptions the drama the twists and the rollercoaster of emotions happen all in one tv show.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Returnable Girl
Have you ever felt torn between two choices and don't know which one to decide? Well Veronica or better known as Ronnie has a mother who completely abandoned her on their way to Alaska, Ronnie has had trust issues since her younger years she's even had to obtain herself at one pointshe comes across a lady named Alison her probably last chance of a foster home, as she thinks what foster family wants to take care of a teenager? For Ronnie every school was the same, bunch of kids, not a lot of friends and a bunch of homework, but when moved she starts a new life with her one and only friend cat but seeing that with drama that's all around her she ends friendships and makes new ones, she's chosen between what friends she wants and who she'll live with for the rest of her younger years. I'm most intrigued by this book because it's different in a good way, it talks about middle school drama and family drama all in all it was really good.
Monday, April 10, 2017
Holocaust literature / Life is Beautiful
Based on Holocaust literature and the movie Life is Beautiful there have been many connection and even though some are dramatized and fake. A connection I made during watching the movie and seeing Poems was there were stripped Pajamas and the stars they had to wear. The German soldiers didn't change either they were strict and rude. The events have quite a few analogies such as the romance we know probably didn't occur. But the Jewish people being treated cruel and had there property ruined.
A few similarities that the characters went through was the gas chambers they were put put in, the trains they stayed in for hours, also the similarity between when they were in the camps and the cruel treatment. But even though the character like the dad he tried to make good outcomings for his son in a bad situation. Like in order for his son to not be scared and traumatized he would make him laugh and pretend that the camp was actually a game, even though everyone else we had lost hope and had fear the tone changes a bit more.
Life is beautiful was shown during when in a serious tone the mother knew that her husband and her child was taken away and she even though German was still going to be with them no matter what the circumstances were and she did persevere , and another example of how beautiful life was even though in a bad situation where as when the father had gotten to a microphone and kept telling his wife how much he loves her and how he and there son will be okay, it really did bring joy to the movie even though the circumstances were bad and they didn't give up on each other because of a major problem the father put a lot of implement during the whole movie was beautiful but these were just a few things that made the movie very beautiful.
A few similarities that the characters went through was the gas chambers they were put put in, the trains they stayed in for hours, also the similarity between when they were in the camps and the cruel treatment. But even though the character like the dad he tried to make good outcomings for his son in a bad situation. Like in order for his son to not be scared and traumatized he would make him laugh and pretend that the camp was actually a game, even though everyone else we had lost hope and had fear the tone changes a bit more.
Life is beautiful was shown during when in a serious tone the mother knew that her husband and her child was taken away and she even though German was still going to be with them no matter what the circumstances were and she did persevere , and another example of how beautiful life was even though in a bad situation where as when the father had gotten to a microphone and kept telling his wife how much he loves her and how he and there son will be okay, it really did bring joy to the movie even though the circumstances were bad and they didn't give up on each other because of a major problem the father put a lot of implement during the whole movie was beautiful but these were just a few things that made the movie very beautiful.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Nazi Propaganda
This sign is used for Propaganda what it's title is saying is Legion of Shame and its caption is 'Ignorant, lured by gold, They stand disgraced in Judah's fold. Souls poisoned, blood infected, disaster broods in their wombs.' This was used in 1935 when Adolf hitler was taking over. This was used to manipulate and brainwash Germans or what people thought were the only ones who were worthy of living. They wanted as many people to be with nazis as possible so there army could be strong. People mostly thought that of their government as right so what there government thought some people thought that was correct. This sign was an innovation to try and rid of people who Hitler thought weren't in his perfect people.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Bad Girls Don't Die
The book, Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Aleneder is about a girl named Lexi and her sister named Kasey, kasey being the youngest was a strange child, Lexi new that but kasey started to get a little anti social even with her own family and weird noises came from Kaseys room, Lexi had to find out what was going on. The story goes onto show a rollercoaster of twists and judging people isn't the way to to go. Overall this story was very delineate and I had sometimes felt the imagery come to life but you'll just have to read it yourself to find out more about it.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Meeting Snoop Dog and Ramon Ayala
If I could meet any famous people in the world it would be snoop dog and Ramon Ayala, it might sound weird why I would want to meet these two if they have different music generes but I would want to meet snoop dog so I could ask him how he became famous and how it felt, if I had met him I would go out and try and make a few new songs with him just because, I would elaborate more on what song we would put together what it would be about. Another famous person I would want to meet is Ramon Ayala, I would want to meet him because I grew up listening to his music and I would want to see how his fame grew and how he got inspiration, if I were to see him I would want to learn how to play a few instruments him and his band play.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017
What Makes Me Happy
Sunday, February 12, 2017
2017 SuperBowl Commercials
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Love Lucas
My book Love Lucas is about a young girl who loses her older brother to cancer, to get away from reality she moves to California with her aunt but she can't help but still feel vulnerable without her older brother but he gives her a journal and asks her to read one a day, it helps her a little bit but she stills a bit down inside. Along the way she meets a guy who loves to have fun and surf the seas, but when she gets a little attached she begins worry about Lucas, and thinks she can't have any fun because she thinks she needs to mourn. Through out the whole stole there a plotwist that you won't see coming and she learns a big lesson in life but I guess you'll have to find out yourself by reading the book. This book might seem a bit cliche at first but it's different from a few teenage fiction books I've been reading.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Advice that has been given
Thursday, January 26, 2017
We Fought Back
We Fought Back is a book that is historicaly nonfiction by Allan Zullo who talks about seven stories from real teenagers who fought back during the holocaust. During this book it talks about how regular people were going to school and work to having to support each other in dark times, with each story the author wanted to describe to us how it felt for them and what pain and other emotions the people felt during these crucial years. All of them have a story of what they went through and what they did to survive all of there stories. It's crazy how these stories have strong message as to why everyone housed stand up for who or what they believe in.
Monday, January 23, 2017
My worst argument
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Fake it till you Become it
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
I Am
I am from where the streets are littered with different ethnicity's. I am from where crime plays hide and seek justice.
I am from rode to rode, to New York, to Florida, to Texas.
I am from strong to confused to mournful.
I am fearing my nightmares to living them.
I am from growing stronger by the months to falling to pieces again.
I am from living my ups and downs to staying steady.
I am from faking it to making it
I am from rode to rode, to New York, to Florida, to Texas.
I am from strong to confused to mournful.
I am fearing my nightmares to living them.
I am from growing stronger by the months to falling to pieces again.
I am from living my ups and downs to staying steady.
I am from faking it to making it
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
After *book summary*
This book I had read was called After, this fictional book is about just a normal girl who meets a boy who is selfish and has an intimidating appearance, these two people collide and doesn't look like they match. But this book stands out to me more than others because of how well written is was and how just because there is one fight doesn't make it happily ever after, pride and prejudice and many other novels was talked about in this book and it fascinated me to see how you could take an older novel into something more modern, this book has many subjective and objective feelings that many people take on. The book has many plotwists in it which takes a toll to many other roller coaster moods, but I guess you'll just have to read the book to find out why.
What I did this break
During my break from school, there wasn't many things I could've done I outside because of how cold the weather was, but inside my cozy home I did help with making sorts of foods in my house, such as traditional foods me and my family would usually eat during this time of year, it was fun because I know that it had helped my mom out a lot and just spending time doing something that I knew would relieve some stress I felt good, and after we had presents and opening many surprising gifts there were many wrapping paper, tape, and many other things that littered the floor but not many people had wanted to help throw out trash or clean just a smidge bit, but I had no problem of helping anyone in need and I actually enjoyed helping others just to spend more time with them with break, overall with helping everyone this break and having just a good laugh really made my two weeks off of school really fun.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Favorite Quote
My favorite quote is "If you can't fly, then run, if you can't run, then walk, if you can't walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward." -Martin Luther King Jr. I like this quote because it means many things to me especially when I lost a loved one, it's something that taught me that when something gets tough, even when there's a bad time the earth doesn't stop moving, the moon still sets and the sun still rises. But that can't keep us from moving to do something good or help someone out in need.
What Does My Name Mean?
Looking up my name I found one meaning and the meaning of my name was a listener, and also a Hebrew name or a name of God, I find it kind of easy to find my name a a meaning of listener, of course I don't always listen that's something you can distinguish but one someone's voice wants to be heard I'm always there if they need to talk to someone and I listen good when my friends want to talk about something, I also find it a good thing that my name is a child of God, but I guess I'm glad my parents named me that after all!
ThrowBack Thursday
In the summer of 2008 I remember it had been my birthday, and I had always asked for a pet but never gotten one, but on one faithful day of August 29th I heard my dad coming in through the door with something, I was very curious and tried to look at it until it had ran away! It was a dog! And I was very happy, we named him Possum and I had the best time with him, I had just turned six but I remember a whole lot of when me and my new dog played outside and got messy sometimes, I had a sibling at the time so sharing was a difficulty especially with our dog but we handled it pretty well.
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